published on
May 14, 2019
Dental Care, Tips
Smokers, Dental Care
Lets be real.

Smoking is bad for your health, and there is no “safe” level of smoking. But you already know that. What you probably haven’t considered is that smoking also damages your good looks, leaving you with dry skin, red eyes, yellow nails, early ageing, and yellow teeth.

Today we want to focus on your teeth and how you can take better care of them so you can rock a beautiful smile while also enjoying your cigarette breaks.

Here are some dental care tips for smokers:


Smoking is one of the top causes of yellow teeth, and stains from smoking can be hard to remove. To avoid stains in general it is important that you limit your intake of highly acidic foods and drinks, such as coffee, curry, pasta sauce, berries, and soda. Not only can these things stain your teeth, but they can also erode your enamel. When it comes to highly acidic foods and drinks, be careful, only consume them in moderation, and brush your teeth right after each meal (and cigarette).

Bad Breath:

I had a college professor who enjoyed smoking a fat cigar during his morning commute which he then washed down with a giant cup of coffee. You can probably imagine how his breath smelled and why I chose to sit all the way in the back of the classroom. The fact of the matter is that smoking causes bad breath but there are several ways of combating this issue. You can have a mint after each cigarette, use mouthwash, or brush your teeth. The important thing is to keep your bad breath in check so you are not offending everyone with a nose around you. Keep in mind that as a smoker your sense of smell is not that good so you might not notice just how bad your breath is.


Cigarettes contribute to increased amounts of bacteria in your mouth, and your tongue is usually what is most affected by this. Bacteria will accumulate there and lead to bad breath, decreased ability of taste buds, and a fuzzy buildup on your tongue’s surface. Use a tongue cleaner once or twice a day for best results and fresher breath. Make sure you wash it before and after each use. Also, don’t forget to brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth.


When you smoke, your risk of getting gum disease is twice as high as non-smokers’.You should brush your teeth at least twice a day. Always brush around your gum line twice a day to help keep your gums strong and healthy.


Rinsing every day with antibacterial mouthwash is crucial to your oral health. To ensure the best results, use 20 mL of mouthwash each time, and make sure you’re swishing the liquid in your mouth for a full 60 seconds before spitting it out into the sink. Choosing an antibacterial solution is important because cigarettes encourage bacterial growth inside your mouth, and you want to do whatever you can to eliminate the amount of it. There are also mouthwashes that have been specially formulated for smokers, some even have anti-stain capabilities.


You should go to the dentist at least twice a year. Professional cleanings are helpful to anyone’s oral hygiene efforts. During these cleanings, the dental hygienist will scrape off tartar buildup on your teeth and in between your teeth and gums. The hygienist will also polish your teeth to soften and remove plaque. The dentist will look for any problems that you may have with your teeth including cavities, gum health, and signs of infection or oral cancer.


Because of the fact that smokers are more prone to infections, oral cancer, and gum disease, it’s important to always be on the lookout for the signs of these oral hygiene problems. Examine your mouth once a week to check for sores in the mouth, neck, and face. If sores last for more than two weeks, it could be a serious problem, and you’ll want to get an appointment with your dentist immediately. Check for irregular bleeding, lumps, lesions, and swelling in the inside of your cheeks, under your tongue, and by your gum lines. In general, if you experience any numbness or pain that lasts more than one week’s time, call your dentist right away.

The best thing you can do for your dental health is to quit smoking. But if you don’t want to quit then following these tips will help you maintain a beautiful smile and fresh breath.

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