Post Date:
January 11, 2021
Brushee Tips, Halitosis
oral health, halitosis, floss, toothbrush, toothpaste
T‍op 10 Home Remedies To Get Rid of Your Bad Breath

Bad breath also known as halitosis is embarrassing and can take a toll on your confidence level. Bad breath can be due to a number of reasons such as eating odorous foods, smoking, dry mouth, medical conditions, gum disease and sinus conditions. However the primary cause of bad breath is the bacteria that buildup on the back of your tongue or between your teeth. Maintaining good oral health is essential to controlling bad breath. This includes regular tooth brushing, flossing, and tongue scraping. Drinking adequate amounts of water throughout the day is also essential for keeping your breath fresh. Plus after eating a meal, make sure to floss and swish water around your mouth for a few seconds, this will loosen food particles stuck between your teeth and clean your mouth along with water. You can also treat bad breath with the help of some readily available ingredients from your kitchen cupboard.

1. Fennel seeds:


Fennel acts as an excellent mouth freshener that helps control bad breath. It also contains antimicrobial properties that fight the bacteria in the mouth. Slowly chew a tablespoon of fennel to freshen up your breath and stimulate the production of saliva. You can also drink fennel tea a couple of times a day. To make this tea, steep one or two teaspoons of fennel seeds in a cup of hot water for 5 to 10 minutes. 

2. Cinnamon:


Cinnamon contains cinnamic aldehyde, an essential oil that not only covers up bad breath but also reduces the amount of bacteria in your mouth. To treat bad breath, follow this remedy twice daily. Boil 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of water. You may add some bay leaves and cardamom to strain the solution and use it as a mouth rinse to refresh your breath.

3. Fenugreek:

Fenugreek tea is highly effective when bad breath is caused by cattle infections. Boil a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water strain and drink this tea once daily until you get rid of the problem.

4. Cloves:

Cloves help freshen your breath and also have antibacterial properties that are very helpful in getting rid of bad breath. The easiest method is to pop a few pieces of cloves into your mouth and chew them thoroughly. This will eliminate bad breath in a few minutes. You can also make clove tea. Boil a cup of water, add one teaspoon of ground cloves and allow it to simmer for five to ten minutes. Drink the tea or use it as a mouthwash twice a day.

5. Parsley:


Parsley contains chlorophyll that can help neutralize bad breath. Simply chew on a fresh parsley sprig to refresh your breath. You can also dip this herb in vinegar and then chew it thoroughly. Another option is to put parsley leaves through a juicer and sip the juice anytime you need to refresh your breath. It will also aid digestion.

6. Lemon juice:


Curing bad breath with the lemon rinse has been used for generations. The acidic content in lemons prevents growth of bacteria in your mouth plus its strong pleasant smell helps mask the bad odor. Just stir one tablespoon of lemon juice into a cup of water and rinse your mouth with it. You can also add a bit of salt to it and then use it. This remedy will help to solve the problem of dry mouth which is one of the main reasons that contribute to bad breath.

7. Apple cider vinegar: 

Due to its pH balancing effects apple cider vinegar makes a wonderful remedy for bad breath. You can try any of these remedies depending on your preference. Stir 1 tablespoon of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and drink it before eating your meals. The vinegar will help in as well as cure bad breath. Goggle with apple cider vinegar mixed in a cup of water.

8. Baking soda:


Baking soda also known as bicarbonate of soda is another great solution for getting rid of and preventing bad breath. It helps balance the levels of acid that contribute to bad breath plus it fights oral bacteria that cause bad breath. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water and use it as a mouth rinse once daily until you are satisfied with the results. Brushing your teeth with baking soda will also help reduce the acidity in your mouth and prevent bacteria from building up on your tongue.

9. Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties that act like a powerful disinfectant for your mouth. You can get the benefits from tea tree oil in a variety of ways. Brush your teeth with toothpaste containing tea tree oil. Another option is to put a few drops of tea tree oil on your toothbrush along with your regular toothpaste. You can also mix a few drops of tea tree oil, peppermint oil, and lemon oil in a glass of water and use it as a mouthwash. 

10. Tea:


Normal as well as herbal teas can also help combat bad breath. The antioxidant aleph-null is present in both green and black. Tea can stop the growth of bacteria responsible for bad breath. You can also opt for a herbal tea like sage tea. To make this tea, steep one teaspoon of dried sage in a cup of hot water for five minutes. Strain and drink this tea several times a day to keep your breath fresh. 

How to properly brush your teeth:

The first thing, we need to look at are tools of the trade, the toothbrush. Manual or Electric? Which one’s more effective? Well, any brush is good. But an electric toothbrush will do a much more thorough job of the same amount of brushing time. Regardless of which option you choose, the brush head is the most important part.  


A soft bristled head is most effective in removing plaque, without damaging the enamel of the teeth.  It might be really tempting going for the hard-bristled toothbrush, thinking that it’s going to get rid of a lot of plaque, but it will actually cause damage to your enamel over time. If you’re using this all the time, you’re going to cause damage to the enamel.

Toothpaste selection!:

There are a variety of toothpastes available in the market and therefore, it may be confusing to choose the right one. These types of toothpaste can strengthen enamel, prevent tooth decay, strengthen gums, and whiten teeth. The selection of appropriate toothpaste depends upon the specific need of person & toothpaste ingredient. 

On the topic of toothpaste, we have many questions about charcoal toothpaste.  Do they whiten the teeth? Do they strengthen the teeth?  If you do decide to try activated charcoal to whiten your teeth, use it in moderation. Activated charcoal can be abrasive and if you notice any changes in your teeth sensitivity be mindful.

While hydrogen peroxide may help whiten the teeth in certain situations, there are some also items  to consider. Excess Hydrogen peroxide can cause damage to the enamel of the teeth if a person uses the solution incorrectly. 

So how much toothpaste do you need on your brush? 


A little pea size amount like so, is about all you need.  Anything more, will be unnecessary. When it comes to tooth brushing, everyone has their own technique, but as long as you’re not scrubbing backwards and forth too much, doing a circular motion will be better, and getting every surface of every tooth, then you’re doing it right.  

The key to good brushing is making sure you’re brushing at least three times a day, for two minutes, and not using too much force. If you have Braces or Clear Aligners, that provides an extra challenge, and that’s why it’s not a bad idea to Brushee after every meal. 

What can over brushing lead to?

If you’re scrubbing or you’re brushing for more than five minutes, it’s probably more than you need to. It can lead to abrasion of the teeth, the enamel and the dentine can get worn out over time, and also gum recession. Another good tip to get the most out of your brushing at home, is to spit but don’t rinse afterwards that will keep the anti-bacterial paste on the teeth a little longer, so it can be more effective.

If you do want to get into a little more technique, having the toothbrush angled on a 45 degree, towards the gum, and following the contour of the gum-line will give you the best clean. 

When should you floss? 

Ideally if you floss before you brush, that will get rid of the gunk that’s between the teeth, the elements in your toothpaste can get in there and strengthen those teeth, afterwards. So to recap. Always use a soft bristled toothbrush head. Make sure to maintain your oral care on-the-go throughout the day. And, don’t forget to floss.

If your bad breath persists even after trying these natural treatments consult a doctor or dentists to see if there is a more serious underlying problem.

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