Post Date:
June 29, 2020
Dental Cleaning, Dental Appointment, Tips
Oral Care
4 Tips For a Successful Dental Cleaning

We’ve all been there...

dreading the yearly checkup at the dentist’s office. Not only do you usually have to wait a long time to be seen by the doctor, but teeth cleaning can be uncomfortable. With these 4 tips, you and your pearly whites will be in better shape to handle the appointment.

Tip #1: Floss, Brush, and Use Mouthwash Ahead of Time

A clean mouth is a happy mouth

There’s nothing worse for you or your dental hygienist when you show up to your appointment with plaque on your teeth and bad breath. Not only will it take the hygienist longer to clean your teeth, but you will be fidgeting in the chair for longer than you have to be. Before you leave for your appointment, brush your teeth and scrub your tongue thoroughly. Make sure you floss and use mouthwash too!

If you’re at work or school before your appointment, pack a Brushee and a small container of mouthwash in your purse, backpack, or briefcase. You’ll be ready in no time.

Tip #2: Address Any Changes in Your Health and Insurance

Medical conditions can affect the type of care you need

Changes in your health can affect the type of treatment that you should be getting at the dentist. New medications, diabetes, arthritis, and pregnancy are some of the notable factors that need to be addressed with the front desk staff and your dental hygienist. You will normally have to fill out paperwork for a yearly check up anyways, so make sure you know your current prescriptions, allergies, and any other health concerns that you may have. It is important that your dental care team knows about these factors in order to avoid incidents and to make sure you get the kind of care you need. If your dental insurance has been updated or changed within the last year, you’ll want to tell the front desk staff and note it on the paperwork you fill out as well. Being prepared with this information will make waiting in the waiting room much less stressful and scrambled.

Tip #3: Speak Up About Concerns and Sensitivities

Let your hygienist and doctor know right then and there

Not telling the hygienist and doctor when something hurts only hurts you. Plus, when sensitivities or concerns are voiced, the doctor and hygienist are likely to be more gentle in that area or offer solutions and suggestions to help you feel less uncomfortable in that area going forward.

If you’ve noticed any changes in your dental health, such as a potential cavity, teeth sensitivity to hot and cold foods, or swollen gums, tell the hygienist and doctor. You’ll help them understand your problem and get closer to figuring out a possible solution. Being anxious at the dentist can be avoided by being upfront about your concerns and possible issues. You want to walk out of the office at the end of the appointment knowing that your concerns have been addressed.

Tip #4: Follow Your Dentist’s Advice and Make a Plan

Don’t make the same mistakes that you did last year

If your hygienist or doctor tells you that you should floss daily or eat less candy, make a plan to do just that. You don’t want to find yourself in the same spot that you are in now at your next appointment. Set a goal for yourself, and make it happen.

The discomfort and dread that you experience when getting your annual checkup can be avoided. Head to the dentist with proper preparation and a smile.

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