Post Date:
December 14, 2020
Going On Vacation? Make Sure to Bring These Dental Products!

Americans love their vacations-- it’s the time of the year where we can get away from it all and enjoy a little rest and relaxation. No matter where you’re going this year-- to a beach island, a new city, or cruising down a European river-- you need to be prepared with the proper dental tools. You wouldn’t leave home without your passport-- and you should never leave home without the right items to take care of your teeth and gums while you’re away.

We wanted to put together this list of dental items you should pack for your next trip before the summer vacation season really takes off. Here you’ll find all you need to ensure you can keep up with the oral care your mouth is used to. The next time you find yourself away from home, make sure you pick up a Brushee to stay on top of your oral maintenance. It’s easy to throw in your purse or bag, and is your toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and pick all in one!

Pack Everything Properly-- and Use the Right Bag

It’s exciting when you’re preparing to go on vacation-- figuring out what to pack and what to wear at your destination is always fun. But there are some basic rules that you should follow when packing up your dental supplies for your trip. The bag you use to pack up your oral supplies should be large enough that they all fit comfortably-- and it should provide a good amount of air circulation as well. This is especially important for toothbrushes.

Before you pack up your case, give it a good clean-- and when you return, be sure to do the same. This will go a long way in preventing the build up of any harmful or foreign bacteria on your dental tools or the inside of the case.

We Like: Bamboo Toothbrush Travel Case

electric and manual toothbrushes
It’s important to pack your toothbrush properly and ensure that there is adequate ventilation so it has the opportunity to dry. We also recommend you remove your tooth brush immediately upon arrival and allow it to dry off.

Keep Your Brush Dry

Once you arrive at your destination, make sure to take your toothbrush out of its container-- even if it has holes. Place it upright in a cup or a glass in the bathroom where it can’t easily be knocked over. This ensures that the bristles will fully dry out after having been packed away for an extended period of time.

By keeping it upright and out of a bag or container, you’ll prevent bacteria from growing on the moist bristles. If you’ve had an especially long trip by car, it might be a good idea to air out your brush while you’re en route-- just to make sure there’s not excess water on it when you arrive at your destination.

Portable or Travel Size Items

Portable and travel size options are always a good idea when traveling-- they can even be single use items if you prefer. These items are usually smaller than their full size companions, and contain less toothpaste and less floss. They are very easy to put in a carry on or a purse-- and offer you access to clean your teeth no matter where you are.

We Like: Dental Source Travel Brush and Toothpaste

Another easy option is to carry a couple of Brushees with you for the duration of your trip. They are easily stowed in a bag and give you access to a brush, toothpaste, a pick, and floss. They’re easy to take almost anywhere, and will give you peace of mind knowing you can continue to properly care for your teeth.


It always pays to have a backup plan, and caring for your teeth and gums on vacation is no different. If you’re prone to losing or forgetting your toothbrush or paste-- make sure to throw in a couple extras of each. These can be travel size options, or full size-- depending upon the space you have available in your bag.

Some hotels and cruise ships might stock extra dental supplies, but it’s best to not rely on that in an emergency. If you forget your toothpaste, just brush with water as normal-- until you can find a replacement tube. Water will still remove plaque and any food debris left behind in your teeth-- and it’s better than nothing at all. If you take a couple of toothpastes or small floss containers, you won’t be upset if you misplace them either!

gum tablets
Sugarfree gums and hard candies are a great way to freshen your breath and start the flow of saliva after a meal.

Pack Some Oral Treats

It is a great idea to pack some sugarless gum for an after meal treat for your mouth. Gum will stimulate the flow of saliva and will start to clean out the spaces between your teeth. This is incredibly helpful when you have a day packed full of sightseeing, and want to freshen your breath and get rid of bacteria in your mouth after a meal.

Another good option to bring some sugarless candies with you to have after your meal. These will do the same thing as the gum and start the flow of saliva in your mouth-- clearing out bacteria. If you can find candies flavored with green tea-- even better-- as this can help kill the bacteria that form cavities and contribute to tooth decay.

We Like: Bali’s Green Tea Latte Hard Candy

Be Aware of the Water

If you’re traveling to place where the water is unsafe to drink-- it’s also unsafe to use in your oral routine. Make sure you always have access to bottled water for drinking and for brushing your teeth as well. If you’re staying locally or in an Air B&B and you’re unsure about the water-- boil it just to be sure. It’s always a good idea to be safe whether you’re going to drink the water for hydration-- or use it to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Staying hydrated is also crucial to your oral health, and helps to keep the saliva in your mouth. If you’re experiencing dry mouth due to a lack of water, make sure to pick some bottled water up or bring some along with you.

large clock
Set a reminder on your phone to brush your teeth in the evening-- it’s an easy way to ensure you’re staying on top of your brushing and flossing.

Set Reminders

One great way to ensure you’re staying on top of your oral hygiene is to set a reminder to brush and floss as normal. This might sound a little odd, but if you’re going to be out late or expect to not remember to brush-- this can be a life saver. Just program your phone-- or even an alarm at your hotel room to go off at the time you expect to return.

This way, you have a good backup plan should you have so much fun you forget to take care of your teeth. If you’re traveling with someone else, try to remind each other to brush before bed as well!

Eat Wisely

Because you’ll be on vacation, you’re going to off your routine and enjoying sights, sounds, and food that you don’t usually experience. We also tend to eat more than usual when we’re on vacation-- and that can have an impact on our teeth and gums. Try to stay away from overly sugary drinks-- they can dehydrate you and contribute to tooth decay. It’s wise to keep a bottle of water handy-- just in case you need a quick rise out of your mouth or a chance to re-hydrate.

Try to snack on fiber rich foods and plenty of fruits and vegetables-- as these help stimulate saliva and are good for you! Consider bringing along your own snacks if you’re worried there won’t be many healthy options-- or pick some up at the local grocery store. Try to limit the exposure to sugary foods and drinks while you’re enjoying your vacation-- but don’t forget to indulge a little bit too!

Everyone looks forward to vacations-- whether at the beach, a ski resort, or taking a cruise. But, it’s no excuse to deviate from proper oral hygiene. Make sure you follow these tips and pick up some of these items to bring with you the next time you go on vacation and take care of your teeth!

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